Look, I realise that the majority of my British readers will get offended by this, but you know what? Too bad. And you British surely know how to express yourselves to your European friends and partners.
Yes we know. "England fans" - went to France in 2016 had street fights with Russians and sang "F*** off Europe, we're voting OUT". So we do get the message because that's what 52% of you actually voted for. In your arrogance as a nation, you didn't want any foreigner telling you what to do, or too many foreigners living in your country. "F*** off Europe, we're voting OUT!"
Just for your information, up until now Europeans have regarded the UK with a great deal of admiration and warmth. You know we are actually liked and appreciated on the continent.

But now, you have voted to get rid of European immigrants.
Congratulations, at a stroke you have made every immigrant feel unwelcome. The UK government has even talked openly about drawing up a list of every foreign European worker in the country. Europeans are being called "bargaining chips" by the Prime Minister. Well, because that's the sort of country Britain has become: racist, nasty, small minded. The UK government's policy on Europe is now identical to the foreign policy of the French National Front, just for some comparison BTW.
Now of course there are some exceptions. London voted to open its doors to Europeans, as did Scotland and Northern Ireland. London and Scotland knows what a wonderful thing it is to live is a diverse and open society. London realises that immigrants bring great things to us economically and culturally, but above all we actually like immigrants as people. They are our neighbours, our friends. I am a Londoner too.
I am also an immigrant to the UK. Not a European one, but an immigrant all the same. But I am also a British immigrant to Europe where I live. And Europe has always opened it doors and heart to me. I, like the Polish and other Europeans living in the UK, heard the message. It couldn't be clearer.
Sooooo after the 23rd June it is now open season on Europeans. Yes this has validated the xenophobic racists who now feel its okay to go beat up and even kill European immigrants. If you aren't British you should know that hate crimes against Europeans has peaked to new levels since the referendum. In one town of the UK Polish police have had to be sent to patrol the streets to reassure it's Polish population. I mean what have the Polish ever done to deserve this?
British hatred of Polish people
Recently, French and Spanish residents in the UK have reported via their Embassy that they have experienced hostility and insults from some British people.
So Britain what sort of country are you? You had better decide. Are you a nasty small minded anti European nation? Or are you a grown up civilised country that plays its part in the global world community with others, resisting internal forces of darkness and xenophobia?
I'm sure some of you will think that there were valid arguments for coming out of the EU and this decision was not necessarily xenophobic or anti immigrant. Sure. There are arguments for being outside the EU. Not very convincing ones, but there are some. If you are genuinely one of these, then you will join me in lamenting what has started to happen in Britain won't you. You will be appalled at where things are headed, and you will not feel that you "got your country back" but that the racists have taken over.
Yes we know. "England fans" - went to France in 2016 had street fights with Russians and sang "F*** off Europe, we're voting OUT". So we do get the message because that's what 52% of you actually voted for. In your arrogance as a nation, you didn't want any foreigner telling you what to do, or too many foreigners living in your country. "F*** off Europe, we're voting OUT!"
Just for your information, up until now Europeans have regarded the UK with a great deal of admiration and warmth. You know we are actually liked and appreciated on the continent.

But now, you have voted to get rid of European immigrants.
Congratulations, at a stroke you have made every immigrant feel unwelcome. The UK government has even talked openly about drawing up a list of every foreign European worker in the country. Europeans are being called "bargaining chips" by the Prime Minister. Well, because that's the sort of country Britain has become: racist, nasty, small minded. The UK government's policy on Europe is now identical to the foreign policy of the French National Front, just for some comparison BTW.
Now of course there are some exceptions. London voted to open its doors to Europeans, as did Scotland and Northern Ireland. London and Scotland knows what a wonderful thing it is to live is a diverse and open society. London realises that immigrants bring great things to us economically and culturally, but above all we actually like immigrants as people. They are our neighbours, our friends. I am a Londoner too.
I am also an immigrant to the UK. Not a European one, but an immigrant all the same. But I am also a British immigrant to Europe where I live. And Europe has always opened it doors and heart to me. I, like the Polish and other Europeans living in the UK, heard the message. It couldn't be clearer.
Sooooo after the 23rd June it is now open season on Europeans. Yes this has validated the xenophobic racists who now feel its okay to go beat up and even kill European immigrants. If you aren't British you should know that hate crimes against Europeans has peaked to new levels since the referendum. In one town of the UK Polish police have had to be sent to patrol the streets to reassure it's Polish population. I mean what have the Polish ever done to deserve this?
British hatred of Polish people
Recently, French and Spanish residents in the UK have reported via their Embassy that they have experienced hostility and insults from some British people.
So Britain what sort of country are you? You had better decide. Are you a nasty small minded anti European nation? Or are you a grown up civilised country that plays its part in the global world community with others, resisting internal forces of darkness and xenophobia?
I'm sure some of you will think that there were valid arguments for coming out of the EU and this decision was not necessarily xenophobic or anti immigrant. Sure. There are arguments for being outside the EU. Not very convincing ones, but there are some. If you are genuinely one of these, then you will join me in lamenting what has started to happen in Britain won't you. You will be appalled at where things are headed, and you will not feel that you "got your country back" but that the racists have taken over.
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