mercredi 9 novembre 2016

Dream about Trump

On Tuesday the 8th I went to bed happy in the knowledge that Hilary Clinton was probably going to win the election and be the next US president. My preference would have been Hilary Clinton, for lots of reasons, and it seemed to be going her way. I had also seen the Nigerian prophet guy, TB Joshua say that he'd seen Hilary win the election, which was reassuring.

So I went to bed and turned off the Ipad, deciding not to look until the morning.

During the night I had a dream that I was some place and wondering what had happened in the election over night, when Donald Trump came into the room. So I asked him what had happened. He looked surprised and genuinely humbled by what had happened, and told me that he had won. I said "congratulations man" and shook his big firm hand. I told him that I had been going to pray for the other one if she got in, but since he had got in I would pray for him.

Then I asked him what he was going to do in the first 100 days he was in charge. He kind of shook his head as if to say that he wasn't sure, and mentioned some laws that as a non American I didn't really know too much about and he said "well, we need to give people back some freedoms".

Then he asked me for my email address to keep in touch and we exchanged emails before the dream ended.

So when I woke up I went down stairs to check who had won, expecting Hilary Clinton to have been confirmed as the winner, and saw the headline that Trump had won. That was weird. Then I saw his speech and I saw Trump looking quite touched and humbled in a way we hadn't seen before, and making conciliatory noises in his speech, which was just like he had been in the dream.

No-one really knows what he is going to do, and probably neither does he. But we need to pray for this guy, and that his time brings good things to the world, and not destructive. He is going to need help.

jeudi 3 novembre 2016

Brexit Rant

Look, I realise that the majority of my British readers will get offended by this, but you know what? Too bad. And you British surely know how to express yourselves to your European friends and partners.

Yes we know. "England fans" - went to France in 2016 had street fights with Russians and sang "F*** off Europe, we're voting OUT". So we do get the message because that's what 52% of you actually voted for. In your arrogance as a nation, you didn't want any foreigner telling you what to do, or too many foreigners living in your country.  "F*** off Europe, we're voting OUT!"

Just for your information, up until now Europeans have regarded the UK with a great deal of admiration and warmth. You know we are actually liked and appreciated on the continent.

But now, you have voted to get rid of European immigrants.

Congratulations, at a stroke you have made every immigrant feel unwelcome. The UK government has even talked openly about drawing up a list of every foreign European worker in the country. Europeans are being called "bargaining chips" by the Prime Minister. Well, because that's the sort of country Britain has become: racist, nasty, small minded.  The UK government's policy on Europe is now identical to the foreign policy of the French National Front, just for some comparison BTW.

Now of course there are some exceptions. London voted to open its doors to Europeans, as did Scotland and Northern Ireland. London and Scotland knows what a wonderful thing it is to live is a diverse and open society. London realises that immigrants bring great things to us economically and culturally, but above all we actually like immigrants as people.  They are our neighbours, our friends. I am a Londoner too.

I am also an immigrant to the UK. Not a European one, but an immigrant all the same. But I am also a British immigrant to Europe where I live. And Europe has always opened it doors and heart to me. I, like the Polish and other Europeans living in the UK, heard the message. It couldn't be clearer.

Sooooo after the 23rd June it is now open season on Europeans. Yes this has validated the xenophobic racists who now feel its okay to go beat up and even kill European immigrants. If you aren't British you should know that hate crimes against Europeans has peaked to new levels since the referendum. In one town of the UK Polish police have had to be sent to patrol the streets to reassure it's Polish population. I mean what have the Polish ever done to deserve this?
British hatred of Polish people

Recently, French and Spanish residents in the UK have reported via their Embassy that they have experienced hostility and insults from some British people.

So Britain what sort of country are you? You had better decide. Are you a nasty small minded anti European nation? Or are you a grown up civilised country that plays its part in the global world community with others, resisting internal forces of darkness and xenophobia?

I'm sure some of you will think that there were valid arguments for coming out of the EU and this decision was not necessarily xenophobic or anti immigrant. Sure. There are arguments for being outside the EU. Not very convincing ones, but there are some. If you are genuinely one of these, then you will join me in lamenting what has started to happen in Britain won't you. You will be appalled at where things are headed, and you will not feel that you "got your country back" but that the racists have taken over.

lundi 17 octobre 2016

Huston, we have a problem with the...prophetic

So have you heard the latest? Yes, apparently Donald Trump has been anointed by God to be the next president of the United States. You see God is using him like He used Cyrus to purify the nation and bring it back to God. Oh yes, you heard correctly. That would be the same Donald Trump you see on your TV screen. And in case you had any doubts about it, a group of pastors have attested that he has dedicated his life to Christ and his heart has changed. Of course fruit might be hard to find in a man like Trump but lets not ask too many hard questions.

So where did I hear this? From so called reputable sources. People that usually I listen to and take seriously. Unfortunately this time I am left gagging with disbelief. You see its not just that someone has thought that they heard God say, this. One can err obviously. But no you see there is this one seer/prophet who literally stood int he Counsel of God and heard God tell him this with his own ears:

Check it out.

Did you hear that? He was "caught up in the Spirit".

I'm confused. I mean, it wasn't that long ago that Nigerian Prophet TD Jakes prophesied that Hilary would be the next President. Or maybe its God who is confused! I mean, is it Trump or is it Hilary? Come on God - make up your mind!

On another website I see someone purporting to be a prophet who said with such certainty that God had spoken to her about Obama and that one thing He said to her was:

"I did not appoint Obama. Obama is a double tongued devil".

I mean come on! Does God  even talk about people like that? But I bet she does!

But this has really caused me to doubt the prophetic. I mean come on! God is NOT anointing Trump to be the next president of the USA. Get real.

This leaves me with the distinct impression that there are ministries and "prophetic voices" out there that are either -

1) Lying and making things up  - "I was stood in the Counsel of God and I heard this voice...."

2) Are literally deceived and do not know it.

If there is that much self deception, and lack of integrity out there under the name of prophetic ministry who can you trust in the end? How can you trust anyone?

Either way I do not want to trust these people. In fact ANYONE who has a political prophecy about Trump now is OFF the list. What that means for these peoples' credibility when Trump is not elected president is going to be worth watching.

Will they apologise? Will they admit that they got it wrong or will they retract the word (going to be hard to do when its out there on You Tube). Will they say that the devil thwarted God's purpose? How will they manipulate and twist the truth to ensure that they come out on top?

The whole - "I heard God say thing" - is kind of tainted with uncertainty. Yes you can hear God and get it right. But equally you see and you hear in part. You also miss it, and you have to be humble about it.

Most of these people aren't reading people's mail. Their prophetic gifting is just not that accurate. If it isn't, how much confidence can you have that any of them are really hearing God. Just sayin'.

90% of the prophetic you see and hear out there on line is junk. Thats the truth, pure and simple. Unless it comes with words of knowledge or a strong inner witness don't believe it, especially the fear merchants.

I did a trawl of Brexit prophecies. Interesting - hardly anyone predicted Brexit. I say hardly because one person claims to have back in 2008. But that hasn't stopped the christian looney mainstream from declaring that Brexit was God's will and it has freed the UK from being shackled to the "evil" of the EU, which by the way is somehow the beast in the book of revelation.

Oh yay God. Why are christians so weird?!